Published on: 11-08-24
It took me a long time to write my third blog, not because I didn’t have anything to write about, but because I had many other commitments. I’m now trying to develop the habit of blogging regularly because I believe it will help me track what I do, where I’ve been, and what I could or should achieve in the future.
Here are the areas I’m focusing on, which I believe are crucial for my future development:
- Problem Solving
- Industry Experience (Working on real-time projects)
- Machine Learning
- Problem Solving:
I believe that problem-solving skills are essential for any job or role, including specialized positions. Learning Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), practicing problems at different difficulty levels, understanding the problem, and coming up with efficient solutions are not only important for cracking interviews but also for applying algorithms in real-world scenarios.
- Industry Experience:
I’m happy to share that I have been working professionally for the past five months. During this time, I’ve applied my ideas and skills to help organizations grow. I’m also making good use of the money I earn from my internship. I hope that the experience I’m gaining and the time I’m investing will be worthwhile and provide me with a clear perspective on my future goals.
- Machine Learning:
I’m becoming increasingly interested in pursuing a career in Machine Learning. The impact it is having on various industries and the future scope of AI are fascinating and overwhelming. I’m working on understanding the fundamental concepts of ML and their low-level implementation to build a solid foundation in this field.
Things I Should Continue to Do:
Write blogs regularly
Improve problem-solving skills
Perform better professionally
Explore Machine Learning in greater depth
Stay humble and think about things from the ground up :) And that’s all for this blog!
Meet you in my next blog 👋